Wednesday, December 16, 2015

October Japan Crate!

Hello everyone! Today we're going to take a look at what was inside October's Japan Crate!
 Every Japan Crate arrives within two days of being shippied~
 such candy. much yum
 I can already spot some snacks that I love! Plus, I see a little gacha ball( ゚▽゚)/
 The first snack I pulled out were the Rich Cheese Scones chips (aka: Handsome Face Cat chips) at first I thought the picture on the bag was a marshmallow, and was slightly confused by the cheese taste, but they were very cheesy and very good( ̄▽ ̄)
 Handsom Face Cat and his little friend are here to say hello again( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
 The next snack I received was Beef Tongue Umaiibo! I think this might have been the best snack in the whole box, it was savory and very delicious u 3 u I've never tried real beef tongue before, but if it tastes anything like this snack then it must be good!

Next up, we have Mini Dorayaki Pancakes! These little candies have the texture and taste of regular pancakes, plus they come with a red bean paste filling! I could have eaten about twenty more of these
 The next Candy I received was Grape Gummy Ribbon! Each piece came wrapped in a striped little packet, which I thought was really cute. The candy had a somewhat tart taste, and wasn't overpoweringly grape
 The next snack in the box was the famous Caramel Corn chips! These little "C" shaped puffs have a sweet and peanut-y taste with a hint of caramel. The sugary taste makes them almost addicting to eat >w>I think the main reason these chips are so recognizable is because of the bag design , which has the little surprised face on it 'O'
The next candy I received was Rum Raisin Ice cream candy. I'm not going to lie, this wasn't my favorite, mainly because the little pieces of raisin inside surprised me. I expected it to taste a bit more ice cream-y, but my family seemed to enjoy it!
The next candy in the crate were the Mysterious Soda Balls (yes, that is their name). These were the type of soda candy where each chew is a different soda flavor, and mixing them will give you combinations like "lemon lime soda," or  "Melon Calpis." There are many variations of this type of candy, but they are all very good and taste somewhat like skittles
The next candy I got were Sour Fruit Gummies! These are kind of like Sour Patch Kids, only way more mild. I prefer these over Sour Patch because the sourness doesnt' overpower the flavor. Also, the peach gummies were amazing (=´∇`=)
 The next candy I received was Poiful Soda Beans! These were like the jelly bean version  of the Mysterious Soda Balls, in that each one is a different flavor, and the idea is to eat multiple ones at the same time to create new flavors. I can't decide whether or not I liked these or the soda balls better!
The next candy in the crate were these Vitamin C Lemon Drops (they seem to have a theme of "candies with literal names" this month). These were very good, and had a nice soothing lemon taste, similar to a cough drop! 
This month's DIY kit was called Chitto Soda DIY. I have yet to try it, but once I do I will update with photos~
SODA TIME. This month's drink was Briley's Orange, a canned drink very similar to orange juice! This drink was good enough to consider buying again, if I ever come across it in stores(⌒▽⌒)☆
Now...for the gacha. The hint we got earlier in the month was "dogs," and they certainly weren't lying! This little gacha contained a small keychain figure of a dog with some kind of chocolate dessert. I think this was super cute, and I really love the fact that they're adding little gacha in their crates now! 


 Overall I was very happy with this crate and all the candy inside it! I was especially happy that Japan Crate is choosing to add toys/gacha to their crates, it feels like I'm getting a little extra treat to remember each crate by(≡^∇^≡) I feel like this month's crate may have had more than the past two crates I've received, but maybe there were a few more smaller items rather than one or two larger ones. I think my favorite candies/snacks this month were the mini pancakes and the Umaiibos, and my least favorite was probably the Rum raisin candies. I can't wait for next month's crate, and until then, I will be happily stuffing myself with everything I received this month xD

If you want to get your own Japan Crate, click here to visit their website! Also, you can follow them on twitter, instagram, facebook, and youtube

For inquiries and sponsors, contact me at
Thank you everyone for reading! 

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Pink Ice Cream Bar